Cleopatra Jones

Jack Starret who was an actor/director directed Cleopatra Jones. Max Julien and Sheldon Keller wrote the screenplay. The film starred Tamara Dobson who was a former fashion model; she had worked in Vogue, Essence, and Ebony Magazines. Cleopatra Jones was made after Warner brothers had seen the success of films like Shaft and Sweet Sweetback’s Baadasssss Song. Though the film as many elements of a Blaxploitation film, Cleopatra Jones doesn’t use sex to attract an audience. The film is relatively modest with no explicit sex or nudity. The film instead relies on the action of the story to attract an audience. The film feels like a James Bond story, there are elaborate car chases, the villains are extravagant, and like James Bond, Cleopatra Jones doesn’t hide, she is a hero to the cops and the community around her.  

            In the film Cleopatra is a hero for the black community. In the street scenes she is recognized and received positively. She is a strong black woman who is personally connected with the black community around her. Her partner is a strong male figure who cares deeply for their community. He runs a halfway house for addicts to help get them clean. Together they have a equal and respectful relationship. He respects her career and supports her world traveling agent life. She in turn supports and respects he’s work in the community. Cleopatra Jones shows a black audience something that was not traditionally shown on the silver screen, a healthy, loving black relationship. The film turns the stereotypes of black woman and men on its head for the main characters. Cleopatra Jones is a strong woman that doesn’t fall into the Jezebel stereotype; she is not driven by sex or relies on her sexuality to get her ahead. In turn Ruben, Cleo’s partner, is a twist of the black buck stereotype. He is strong black man that isn’t subservient to anyone but he is also gentle and caring. He displays his gentle side through his interactions with Cleo and the recovering addicts at his halfway house.
            Cleopatra Jones shows the Black community in a positive light. Like in many Blaxploitation films the white community or a white person is the villain. Cleo is a strong, powerful black woman that is positively shown and is a hero to the cops and the black community. The film shows a positive portrayal of a healthy black relationship, which was rare in film. They support and respect each other. Cleopatra is almost like a James Bond figure she is larger than life.


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